


研讨会論文Tseng, Hsiao-Yu and Chang, Arthur Jung-Ting (2015), "Electronic and Mobile Coupon Characteristics on Redemption Intentions", The 10th International Conference on e-Business (iNCEB2015), Bangkok, Thailand, November 23-24, 2015. (MOST 103-2410-H-029-041)张榮庭
研讨会論文Erwin Hadhiwaluyo Fritstiono, Ben Jeng Wang.(2015,10)The Relationship of Consumer Trust and Willingness to Buy: the Mediating Role of Consumers’ Attitude in Indonesian E­Commerce.
2015 SSR International Conference on Social Sciences and Information .
期刊論文 陈冠臻,金必煌,吳金山.(2015年9月), 市場导向、社群顾客关系管理 與经营绩效之研究。行销評論,12(4),395-425金必煌
期刊論文 陈启光、廖盈婷、谢安晋2015)考量外在环境限制之优质老化照顾策略與行动方案设计概念模式建构,福祉科技與服务管理學刊331-3谢安晋
期刊論文Bih-Huang Jin, Chun-Yu Chu. ( 2015 ) The Value Creation Model of Patent Market Intermediaries. Global Journal of Business Research,Volume 9, Number 2(EconLit) 金必煌
研讨会論文王本正、曹金燕(2015,4)。虚实整合餐饮服务商业模式研究 —以在线点餐为例。2015 餐旅观光管理曁产业发展學术研讨会。王本正
期刊論文 Bih-Huang Jin,Chih-Yun Wu,Yu-Tzu Liao (2015, Jan). How does social capital work in regional innovation systems? The moderating role of contract design. Advances in Management and Applied Economics, 5(1),1-14. (EconLit,ABI/INFORM).金必煌
期刊論文 Bih-Huang Jin, Chih-Yun Wu,Chin-Jou Huang (2015, Jan). Transactive memory systems: a catalyst for the cooperation of industries, universities and research institutions in regional innovation systems. International Business Research,8(1),163-172. (EconLit).金必煌
期刊論文Shr-Jya Chen, Ying-Chyi Chou, Hsin-Yi Yen, & Yu-Long Chao*, 2015, Investigating and Structural Modeling Energy Literacy of High School Students in Taiwan." Energy Efficiency (SCI, IF=0.961, Rank= ENERGY & FUELS 54/83=0.65, 尚未公布 2015Cited)周瑛琪
期刊論文Ying-Chyi Chou., Yen, H.Y., Yen, H.W., Chao, Y.L., Huang, Y.H. (2015) ," The Effectiveness of Teaching Aids for Elementary Students' Renewable Energy Learning and an Analysis of Their Energy Attitude Formation." International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 10(1), 39-49.周瑛琪
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